the smell of fall....
Pumpkins are fall, we don't have much for leaves out here. Aspens and Cottonwoods get boring after a while. the multitude of colors in the Northeast blows it away. And the fall smell back there... :) I just don't like the 6 months of snow that follows. Hence part of my reason for moving and staying out here. The other day we bough pumpkins...P got a big oval shaped orange one. Mine is smaller and white....I like the odd colors and shapes in my garden... any way...we carved them today... The pumpkins surprised me...
P's was bigger - I expected a lot of goo to come out of it...but no! She had a small pile of seeds and slimy mess...While mine was almost solid with seeds and a dryer inside ... Atleast it was dryer since I had to clean that much more out of it! We thought it odd that a larger pumpkin would have less mess inside than the smaller one.