Mmm, had some of the seasons first ears tonight. I love it when it's fresh and sweet. Always a bummer to get it home and cooked only to find it is chewy. Fresh and crisp, that's the best.
August is winding down... another 99 degree day.tomorrow will be a change of pace. 70 and T storms. This is the rainy seasonhere. it's scattered showers mostly. P is back in class. highschool now. My how time flies. She says in some of her classes, she is the only freshmen. I told hernot to worry. soon enough the tides will be turned. Senior year comes up fast. Remember when....
I finished the book... Not exactly as I thought it would go. But a good story overall. Lots of action. Stop in your local Library on your back road.. :)
lol, P has finished the last Harry Potter book.... Now it's my turn to read it. She has been sworn to secrecy. You should read the series... go to the library in disguise... I won't tell. :)
Sometimes I am not very Observant. Yesterday I was out back watering my flowers and the neighbor came out her back porch checked her grill and went back in. I said "hello" She smiled and went in. a few drops of water later i realized I hadn't seen her before. I went out front to pull some weeds.. There was a different car in the driveway and a guy pulling out a dent from the front panel. "Home mechanics". I went inside and asked P when the old neighbors moved out and we got new ones??!! She said last week. She said they brought in a moving van and moved in one day. Wow, that's got to be a record I'm thinking. I will have to find them again and take some notes!
Looks like white sandy beaches, huh!?! And though the water was very warm, in the 90's I think.. This wasn't the Carribean. This is in western Utah! Near the Bonneville salt flats. The white stuff is salt. Went by here with T about a month ago and it was solid salt. It has rained a lot there recently so now there is water again. neat. While we were here resting our toes in the warm waters... We met a real Carribean native. He was passing through the area and had heard about it and had to see for himself. A very nice fellow. Great accent too! He couldn't believe how salty the water was. He said he lives in the ocean and there is still life in it. Here it is too salty. I waded out a bit and got him some water and salt to take home with him. :) Such the good samaritian I am.
watching tv tonight.. Ice Road truckers.. They really go threw extreams! From what they are saying, I am really not cut out for it... driving across a frozen lake will get to me!
Well, it's been a couple of weeks and my ears have finally quit ringing. lol! Standing room only... I found out what that means! Good Times all around. Now I'm ready to go at it again :)
my blog is mostly photos of my travels... funny things I find online... travel along with me if you like, if you don't... well on to the next you go! Have a happy day!