wow, the month of July went by in a flash! we have so far survived the crazyness going on at T's job. After we came back from Jackson, WY - we sat around for a few days while the company decided if they wanted to send his truck back to the dealership now or later. They finally decided on now. He got the brand truck he wanted originally when he started working here. So, things are working out. After this toss up, we headed out east on a trip to Maryland and then circled down through Tennessee... which I really loved! T was right. I do like Tennessee. But alas, we couldn't stop. had to get on down to Texas. East Texas is very humid. After that on over to the L.A. California area. Another area I'm not thrilled with. Finally, we come back to Colorado. What a whirl wind. The pay check better be worth it if I can't stop and lolly-gag anymore. That's one of the new "rules" less sitting around being tourists. Hmm, I don't think the office people remember what it's like out here. I don't know about you, but I don't consider spending my day at a warehouse area the highlight of my trip. too much concrete and steel. no where near enough sand and beaches.