I found this site recently while surfing...I respect people who engage in sports I don't - especially crazy ones. Running long distance is lung wrenching enough...but add an elevation on 13,120! yikes! Sorry, but I'll take my Jeep... maybe a rental. I don't want to blow mine up!
To my best friend...a runner... if you go crazy someday and want to do this...I'll volunteer at the water station and cheer you on!
The Picture is of Imogene Pass between Ouray and Telluride CO.
That course looks insane, but a part of me is looking at the amazing scenery and 15.25 mile course and thinking, "That would be awesome!" I really don't know if I could handle that much elevation at once. St. Regis mountain seemed to go up forever and that was only a couple of miles and 4 hours - a speed bump in comparison. I think this Imogene Pass would take me longer than a marathon!
I think i'll just drive up it...save my feet.
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