we stayed home this weekend. I planted a new flower bed for humming birds. It's a mixed seed packet. I may still buy a few plants just to look at something sooner. My other seeded flower beds are coming up just fine. T decided to mow the yard. with all the rain the grass grows quickly up here. The landlords grandkids haven't been up to do it this weekend. P was wandering around the yard and asked to go up to the corner were we have a path up the hill. I said ok, and kept an eye on her from my flower bed. she came walking back rather quickly a minute later and told me she saw the mountain lion up on the rocks about 2 cabins over! She saw it's legs and realized also by how gracful it moved, it wasn't a dog. she wanted to go peek again. so I took my camera and pitch fork and we went back over. The squirrels were going crazy so I told her it's still around and we shouldn't be here. we went back over to the house. We even have excitement staying home!
That is awesome. I love that your response was to grab the camera and pitchfork! I told Rick you probably have a pitchfork for just such occasions. He doesn't think you'd buy a pitchfork just for defense. Settle our debate and let me know, LOL. A photo of said pitchfork would be helpful, too.
lol, OMG you're cracking me up, lol! But, sorry the pitch fork I was using while putting in a new flower bed. the ground has a lot of big rocks and the pitch fork was handy for getting them loosened. I'll get a pictuce of my pitch fork. thinking back on it, it's really not pointed enough to fend anything off like that!
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