Monday, May 05, 2008

In God we Trust

You may have heard in the news that the Post Office has been forced to take down small posters that say ' IN GOD WE TRUST ' The law, they say, is being violated. Anyway, I heard proposed on a radio station show, that we should all write ' IN GOD WE TRUST ' on the back of all our mail...after all, that is our national motto and it's on all of the money we use to buy those stamps. I think it's a wonderful idea. We must take back our nation from all the people who think that anything that offends them should be removed.
It has been reported that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having ' In God WeTrust' on our money and having God in the pledge of Allegiance.
Could it be that WE just need to take action and tell the 14 % to sit down and shut up? If you agree, pass this on, if not, don't do anything. WRITE IT ON THE BACK OF YOUR ENVELOPES !

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